Hello, my name is Jenn
We've all seen the bumper stickers and T-shirts: "I heart NY", "I heart cats", "I heart Brad Pitt". Okay, that last one was probably from my junior high school binder, but you get the idea. Me? I heart COUPONS! Every Sunday is like Christmas morning when I walk to my favorite coffee shop to pick up my newspaper, packed with beautiful coupons waiting to share their wealth with me. I love the way digital coupons loaded onto my store loyalty card can cause my total bill to magically plumet and I love the way they sneak into my snail mail box to help take the sting out of all the bills that never seem to stop showing up there. I especially love the way those glossy coupons feel between my fingers as I hand them over to the cashier like foreign currency. As a young woman living in the greater Seattle, WA area with two neurotic cats, I need all the help I can get when it comes to saving money. Before I started using coupons, I hated to go grocery shopping. I always left the stores feeling like I'd been mugged and - even worse - that I had just sat back and allowed it to happen. Now I love my grocery shopping trips and try to share my savings and deals with anyone who will listen.
I don't necessarily like to call myself an "extreme" couponer, because it often gives others the impression of me lugging shopping carts full of cereal boxes and toothbrushes home to my tiny one-bedroom apartment. I like to tell people I'm a serious couponer and everything I buy is either something I know I will use, or it might be something that I plan to donate either to a friend, family member, or one of the local shelters in my area.
I hope you enjoy my little website and thank you for visiting.

Please feel free to email me any comments or questions.

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